دانلود زیرنویس فارسی انیمه Aware! Meisaku-kun: Short Douga

دانلود زیرنویس فارسی انیمه Aware! Meisaku-kun: Short Douga

دانلود زیرنویس فارسی انیمه Aware! Meisaku-kun: Short Douga
سال انتشار: 2018
از 0 رأی
قسمت ها: 1
مدت زمان: 45 sec
نوع: ONA
وضعیت: اتمام پخش
نام انیمه: Aware! Meisaku-kun: Short Douga
ژانر: کمدی کمدی-درام
خلاصه انیمه
A web-exclusive short of Aware! Meisaku-kun where the characters wonder what 7th grade will be like. As the end of the 2nd season (aka episode 78) in the main anime, the students graduated the 6th grade. The short breaks the 4th wall as the characters also request the viewer to continue watching the show with the 3rd season starting on April 6th.
بروزشده در 4 سال پیش چهار شنبه منتشر شده در 4 سال پیش جمعه 638 بازدید
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