دانلود زیرنویس فارسی انیمه Lord of Vermilion IV

دانلود زیرنویس فارسی انیمه Lord of Vermilion IV

دانلود زیرنویس فارسی انیمه Lord of Vermilion IV
سال انتشار: 2017
از 0 رأی
قسمت ها: 16
مدت زمان: 30 sec
نوع: ONA
وضعیت: اتمام پخش
نام انیمه: Lord of Vermilion IV
ژانر: فانتزی بازی
نام های دیگر: Lord of Vermilion 4 Lord of Vermilion Four
خلاصه انیمه
Animated commercials for Square Enix's 4th installment of the arcade-based fantasy collectible card game. The commercials feature various characters talking to the viewer giving backstory to the game (Tokyo 2030 post-apocalypse world due to bio-terrorism), their particular character cards, and demanding the viewer use their powers to their full ability to take back the world.
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